Building a React Progressive Web Application

Since 4-5 years ago, technology giants like Google and Microsoft have been helping to make progressive web applications (or PWAs), possible. PWA is a standard technology in large businesses and startups. Twitter, Google, AliExpress, and Starbucks use react progressive web apps builders to improve their online image.

PWA and React

You are well aware of the importance and benefits of PWA. There are many ways to create a reactive app PWA or progressive Web applications. With ease, you can choose from HTML, CSS, vanilla JS, and even HTML. You also have the option to select your framework for react native app development and libraries. There are many options, including Vue and Angular as well as Polymer and React.

How to Build React Apps?

Before you start building a web application, make sure that you have the latest version of Node installed. Visual Studio Code is a popular choice.

If you do have a react app that you want to tie up with progressive features, it is possible. Install React Native App Development to reap the benefits. Facebook's CreateReactApp can assist with this. Even better, you can import already-made response apps from GitHub.

Build a PWA with Create-React App

Create A React App

First, you need to create a PWA. You will need a create-react-app to do this. See the previous para. You can use the following code to run this command if you don't already have create-react-app installed on your system:

1) npm i create-react-app -g

2) Enter the next command below to build a TypeScript React App using create-react.

3) npx create-react-app PWA-react-typescript -template typescript

These steps will allow you to create a React web application with TypeScript. This can be used locally with:

4) cd PWA - react-typescript

5) Start knitting

6) You can also create React apps using:

7) create-react-app react-pwa

Register to be a Service Worker

1) Create-react app (CRA) provides tools to answer the question: How to create a PWA app with React for your company?

2) However, if you're wondering how to make a progressive web application that can be run offline? Next, you will need to configure the autogenerated service worker file.

3) Index.js is located in the directory of a newly created project. The code below will be found when you open the directory.

4) You may find the service Worker in the file. It is not registered. You will need to modify the unregister() call to register it.

5) The question of how to create a react app or a PWA with a service worker using React has been answered.

Configure Web App Manifest

Let's explain the components of the file.

  • The command creates the project and saves it in the build folder.
  • The static folder contains all the files js, CSS, and other related files.
  • Index.html loads all React files in the static/js directory and the CSS in the static/CSS.
  • All service worker codes are stored in the service-worker.js folder.
  • The precache-man manifest holds all files that the service worker has cached in an array. *.js file.
  • To ensure everything goes as planned, you must first load the build folder into your browser. Install the HTTP server
  • Next, add start to package.json's scripts section.

React is the best choice for building progressive web apps

With 8+ million JavaScript downloads per week, React is very popular. React Native application development is one of many reasons why people choose it.

Ending Note

PWAs created and distributed by a PWA development company are simple to create and distribute. They also increase clients' value by providing local insight and better commitment through the use of components such as add to the home screen, pop-up messages, and other features that require no interaction with the establishment.

Read More: Success Strategy To Think Before Creating An App


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